• Drowing in to-do lists and feeling constantly behind?
  • Struggling to find the spark and passion you once had?
  • Unsatisfied with your career or feeling stuck in a rut?
  • Frustrated with chronic brain fog, extra weight, or lack of focus?

who's mindbox for?


are you:

The MINDBOX Challenge is YOUR answer!

 Let's do this! 

  • Feeling less anxious?
  • Performing better at work?
  • Gaining momentum toward your goals?
  • Getting better sleep?
  • Naturally increase your energy?

Are you ready to start:


begins JUNE 3RD

our partners:

The MINDBOX Challenge is everyday mindset training to break the cycle of burnout so you can actually achieve your goals.

We are on a mission to prove that stress isn't the enemy and that you can actually thrive in a high-demand life. 

We designed this challenge to accomplish two things: take the guesswork out of stress and teach you daily habits that equip you to take massive ground in just 6 weeks! 

you can live a high demand life without burnout

Stress has become so common in our every day lives that most people don't even see they're in it until it's taken them out.

Community is everything! We designed MIINDBOX to be done with people. Climb the leaderboard, encourage others in chats, and be inspired by our MINDBOX community! 

community and accountability


Each week, recieve expert guidance in a LIVE group coaching call where we will dive deeper into the MINDBOX concepts, answer questions, and give actionable steps for the week.

weekly LIVE coaching calls


MINDBOX 1.0 is not theories and ideas we have no connection to. The principles and tools that we put into our curriculum are battle tested and data backed. Each module includes a short video (less than 10 mins), reflection questions, and exercises to complete each week.

DATA backed curriculum


what you'll get


Each day, you'll use our custom MINDBOX app featuring a habit tracker to rate your stress, collect data, and track your habits that are having the greatest impact on your performance.

custom mindbox app


When we first started our growth journey, we were both 100+ pounds overweight, facing chronic health conditions, combating depression, feeling stuck in our careers and relationships, and struggling to believe we could really change. We felt disconnected from ourselves, from one another, and from the lives we were living. We desperately wanted to change, but didn't know how. 

Everything changed when we hired a mindset coach and joined our gym community, both of which we continue to invest in to this day. Coaching helps us identify our own limiting mindsets and behaviors that are in the way of creating a life and version of ourselves that we resonate with. Because of our own experiences, we have set out to create a program that takes the principals we've learned and puts them straight in your hand! The life you've dreamed of is on the otherside of your consistent effort - you're worth the work!

The life we've created didn't happen overnight.

meet ed & britney

Amy P.

I signed up for the MINDBOX Challenge becasue growth needs to always continue. I hit some big personal goals this year. My business is thriving, however there are some goals that I have wanted to do for a long time and comfort is easy. I am now seeking discomfort and saying yes to my dreams.

Clint B.

I definitely recommend MINDBOX because having the coaching along with the curriculum and community are absolute must’s for a healthy life. No one should do this on their own. I did that for way too many years and got nowhere.

Katie S.

I didn’t realize how much stress I was carrying everyday until I mindfully started to practice ways of processing them out. Even during my work hours. It has helped me be more productive and come home happier without putting my emotions on my partner.

here's what people are saying

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